White Collar Boxing originated in New York in 1988. A doctor and an attorney trained for a few weeks before boxing each other at a black tie event. Since then White Collar Boxing has been the fastest growing corporate contact sport in the world.
Ultra White Collar Boxing is the most established organisation in the UK, running over 1000 events since 2009. We’ve raised more money for charity, won more awards and are more conscientious about health and safety than any other organisation. We are Cancer Research UK’s biggest fundraisers in the UK raising over £20 Million.
What to expect when you sign up
Our Training is aimed at Male and Female beginners; you will receive 8 weeks of FREE training (worth £300) at a local boxing gym with professional boxing coaches.
This will get you extremely fit and teach you the techniques you will need for your fight. These training regimes will ensure that you are in the fittest condition of your life and will be feeling great!
At the end of the 8 weeks training you will be fairly matched based on weight, fitness, ability & age with an opponent from the group you have trained with to ensure a fair competitive bout.
We ask all boxers to pledge to raise a minimum of £50 for Cancer Research UK. Cancer Research UK will email you details of how to set up a just giving page.
You are also required to sell tickets to the event, all ticket money goes to cover the cost of running the event and putting on the training.
“We feel our events offer a ‘gold standard’ in safety. This has been verified by doctors, neurosurgeons and many other professional bodies.”
Below we will list some of our safety measures:
• All participants train together for 8 weeks and are matched fairly based on weight, height, fitness and ability. We do this to ensure that all our boxers are matched fairly. The trainers get an opportunity to assess everyone across the 8 week period and ensure it is a fair bout.
• 16oz gloves and head guards – UWCB has gloves specifically made for our events with a higher density ‘safe spar’ foam. This is to ensure maximum protection for participants. Headguards further reduce impact and help to avoid cuts.
• Pre-bout medical checks – all participants receive a medical before they box to check their suitability. If there is an issue then the participants are not permitted to take part in the event.
• Post-bout medical checks – all participants receive a medical immediately after their bout. This checks for any injuries and will alert the medics to any potential problems.
• Qualified referees – the majority of UWCB referees are ex AIBA or BBBOC qualified. All of which have attended the UWCB refereeing course.
• Risk assessments and checks prior to and at all events – We fill out and retain a folder prior to every event to ensure that our events are consistently safe.